The Real Da Vinci Code | Caroline Cocciardi
Leon Logothetis speaks with Caroline Cocciardi about the wonders and secrets of Leonardo Da Vinci’s hidden messages in his paintings.
Caroline Cocciardi | Leonardo's Knots | Talks at Google
Author Caroline Cocciardi discusses her book Leonardo's Knots, a showcase of the genius’s ability to combine his expertise in the arts and mathematics, and translate minuscule interlaced wonderments into glorious visual beauty.
Leonardo's Knots will introduce you to a facet of Leonardo da Vinci that you have not seen before. Found in the minuscule details of his works yet it speaks volumes about his passion for knots and mathematics.
Leonardo da Vinci masterpieces included a knot; Mona Lisa, Bella Principessa, Annunciation, Lady in Profile, The Last Supper, Salvator Mundi, Isabella D'Este, Lady with the Ermine to name just a few.
The art book takes you on a picture journey through Leonardo's career in knots (1480-1518) like you have never seen before. Documented with 142 illustrations Leonardo's evolution from traditional knots (aesthetically appealing and ornamental), to mathematical knots (patterns that tell a story within his art). His combined expertise in art and mathematics gave him the unique ability to translate these miniscule, interlaced wonderments into the glorious visual beauty found in his artworks.
Leonardo's Knots with the collaboration of fine artists, graphic designers and knot mathematician/artist Rob Scharein PhD have transformed Leonardo’s Knots with 21st technology revealing new meaning in two lines intertwining.
Leonardo's Knots book review by the Mathematical Association of America, December 2019.
Leonardo's Knotsbook review in Fra Noi August 2019.
Leonardo da Vinci's Hidden Message: Leonardo's Knots
Watch this short video (43 seconds) to see a preview of Caroline's lecture.
The Art Newspaper — December 2019
Leonardo's Knots was reviewed among 250 books published
on Leonardo da Vinci for his 500th anniversary

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A meticulously designed lapel pin adorned with the signature of the renowned Renaissance master and found in the Room of Knots.
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